Friday, May 14, 2010


Are you waiting for something? Are you waiting for a job offer, for your children to become more obedient or for your husband to become a Christian? Are you waiting for your body to feel better, for people to become as impassioned about your ministry niche as you are or for Prince Charming to finally ride into town and sweep you off your feet?

We're all waiting for something.

Paul Tripp helps us realize that our waiting is not lost on God. In fact, God is up to something good - something eternally important - in our waiting.

"Waiting is one of God's most powerful tools of grace. God doesn't just give us grace for the wait. The wait itself is a gift of grace. You see, waiting is not only about what you will receive at the end of the wait. Waiting is about what you will become as you wait.

Waiting is hard for us because we tie our hearts to other glories. We so often live for the glory of human acceptance, of personal achievement, of power and position, of possessions and places, and of comfort and pleasure. So, when God's glory requires that these things be witheld from us - things we look to for identity, meaning and purpose - we find waiting a grueling, burdernsome experience. Waiting means surrendering your glory....Waiting gives you opportunity to forsake the delusion of your own glory and rest in the God of awesome glory.

Waiting is not an interruption of God's plan. It is His plan. And you can know this as well: the Lord who has called you to wait is with you in your wait."

- Broken-Down House, pp. 117-119


Nicole said...

Excellent! Very helpful.

dvans said...

Wow...thanks for sharing this...just what I needed to hear!