Father's Day is quickly approaching. This year, rather than a tie or new power tool, let me suggest that you buy your husband or father a book to further his sanctification and growth in grace. You'll be blessed by the Spirit's transformative work in your man's life. Here are some titles that would fit the bill, currently available on our Trinity Church Book Table (in the new library):

The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott
Water of the Word by Andrew Case
Sex, Romance and the Glory of God by CJ Mahaney
Boy's Passage, Man's Journey by Brian Molitor
Thanks for making these available Andy. I've already purchased Finally Alive and plan to pick up Molitor's and Case's books tomorrow.
Still reading When People are Big and God is Small, and it's an excellent read. I'm eternally thankful for the time you've spent with me on issues in my life.
I find a couple of these selections odd for a day that is intended to honor fathers.
My challenge to you is, the next time Mother's Day rolls around, will you recommend that men buy books for their wives helping them be more exemplary wives and mothers? I would be extremely curious to see the reaction that would elicit from the women of the church.
I can't speak for all of the women in the church, but I would absolutely love to get a book in regards to these topics. Far better than flowers, jewelry, candy, or some nick knack that would get put on a shelf somewhere.
I guess knowing your audience (or gift recipient) before giving one of these books would be wise counsel. Being readers Casey and I would be ecstatic to get a gender specific book and knowing each other's hearts I don't think either of us would take it pridefully and make an assumption of what the other means by it.
Ladies, may I suggest if you are going to buy a book for your husband put a homemade touch on it with something made by your children (or grandchildren). Handprint wrapping paper, a poem about Dad or Grandpa... and husbands next year buy us a book and add your own homemade touch, we'd love it.
As I was buying Water of the Word and Boy's Passage, Man's Journey, I noticed a book right next to The Exemplary Husband titled The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective.
I've also read two books (years ago) that would probably compliment each other well (gender-wise):
The Power of a Praying Husband.
The Power of a Praying Wife.
Both books are by Stormie Omartian. I have no idea who she is nor have I read anything else she's written.
Missy's women's group is currently studying Heaven at Home which touches on a variety of women-specific topics.
The same author wrote Don't Make Me Count to Three: A Mom's Look at Heart-Oriented Discipline.
I'm not trying to take Andy's place in recommending books, but they're out there..just thought I'd stir up some ideas.
NOTE: Blog will not let me use "target" HTML tag, so these links will only open in the same, tiny window. I apologize for that.
They really need to add an "edit" tab for these posts. I'm all thumbs sometimes when it comes to typing.
One of the things I really enjoyed doing with my dad as an adult was going out on the golf course for a hit of golf every now and again. Neither of us were much good, but it didn't matter.It was a lovely day spent together.
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