A few weeks ago we looked at Paul's instruction to Titus about the discipleship of the people of God. During the worship service I mentioned that I would post a few resources on the topic of ministry to women. I apologize for the delay in posting these resources. Below are links to a few things that may be helpful in your pursuit to disciple a younger woman.

Girl Talk: Conversations on Biblical Womanhood and Other Fun Stuff - this blog is a
collaboration of four women (of all ages). I would highly recommend this blog for your regular reading. They often link to other books on the topic of biblical womanhood. This blog has everything from practical advice on applesauce recipes to reviews of several books that we have on our Trinity book table.
One of the most helpful resources produced by this team of women is the
Modesty Heart Check. This checklist walks through practical modesty issues having to do with clothing. I would recommend that every woman print out
this document and prayerfully read through the list. I would recommend that every husband/father read through
the document with his wife/daughter to help them understand the mind of a man when it comes to clothing.
2.) The books listed below are also recommended resources. We have both of these books on the Trinity Book Table. Pick one up this Sunday.
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