Friday, April 16, 2010

God cares, so should we

One the too rarely discussed and prayed for topics among American Christians is the global crisis of sex trafficking, the wholesale exploitation of women, girls and boys in the developing world. Here are some facts we need to consider:

  • The US State Department estimates that close to 800,000 women and children are trafficked against their will across national borders every year for sale/exploitation.

  • UNICEF states that from two to four million women and children are currently in the sex trade system

  • Every year $32 billion is spent by commercial sex trade 'consumers

  • 16,000 'sex slaves' are imported by the US every year

  • Sudan - where our African sister church is located - is one of the most prolific nations for sex trafficking
James 1:27 states, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

What can we do?

1. Pray. God alone has the power to overthrow the international sex trade to His glory. Pray that God would raise up courageous national churches in the developing world to stand against the sex trade and do their part to rescue and give a new life to women, girls and boys who are enslaved to this system of destruction. In particular, pray for the development of a new sex trade rescue center called Mukti in Calcutta, India which is being led by EFCA Indian partner churches.

2. Learn more. In order to pray more specifically and, perhaps, for you to get involved in a tangible way at some point in order to help eleviate this God-dishonoring system in the developing world, educate yourself more fully through the following websites:

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