Tuesday, July 17, 2012

God our Father

"[Have you ever noticed] how Paul does not begin his letters: 'To all those at Rome with whom God is angry...' or 'To the church at Corinth, who continually test God's patience....'  or 'To all the rebels at Philippi....'?  Rather, he says, 'Grace and peace, dearly loved, dear children, saints,' etc.

You may not feel holy and pleasing to God today, but if you are in Christ Jesus, you are.  Because of Christ's work, our very imperfect work and faith and lives are fully accepted.  When a young child draws a picture for her father, even though it is very imperfect, the father loves it and sticks it on his refrigerator and proudly shows it off to everyone.  Likewise, what you do in faithful relationship to your heavenly Father is accepted and delightful to Him."

- Gospel Transformation, p. 125

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