Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Your work matters

Let me ask you a tough question: whose work is more valuable, yours or mine?  I'm a preaching pastor.  I'm paid to study the Bible, pray, counsel people, evangelize, strategize for greater Kingdom expansion, etc.  You're likely paid to do things like work on an oil rig, check out folks at WalMart, drive a truck, perform surgery, maintain a B-52, etc.  Or, you may be a stay-at-home mom who works hard for no pay.  So, whose work is more valuable, yours or mine?

The biblical answer is 'neither.'  Since God has placed us on earth to harness it for our good and His glory (Genesis 1:26-28), the realization of that vision cannot happen through 'spiritual' actions alone.  It is not only through biblical sermons and godly counsel but through building bridges and feeding toddlers and planting gardens and painting houses and writing concertos that God's purpose for us on the earth comes to pass.  Therefore, when done for His glory, all work - as long as it is biblically legitimate, moral and honest - is equally valuable.

If you'd like to explore this topic more fully, Dorothy Sayers' excellent article 'Why Work?' may be the best place to start.  You can read it here.  I can think of few better things to read while on vacation this summer to help you more fully appreciate the realm of good work in which God has placed you for His glory and your joy.

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