Friday, November 23, 2012

The sin-killing power of thankfulness

For you who weren't able to attend our Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday night, I shared five ways in which a God-ward, thankful attitude empowers us to kill temptation and help us avoid sin.  The way I phrased it is that we cannot be thankful and simultaneously commit sin 'X'.  Here are the five for your benefit:

You cannot be thankful to God and simultaneously grouchy and complaining.

You cannot be thankful to God and simultaneously burdensome to others.

You cannot be thankful to God and simultaneously worried and fearful.

You cannot be thankful to God and simultaneously rebellious.

You cannot be thankful to God and simultaneously self-centered.

The next time you sense yourself drifting into one of these sins, ask yourself, "Am I Godwardly grateful right now?  Why not?"  Commit to begin each day focused on the ocean of grace God has surrounded you with and thank Him in response - and discipline yourself to keep thanking Him throughout the day.  As you do that, watch what happens as sins you've long struggled with begin to loosen their grip on your heart.  Few weapons in our holy arsenal are as effective and powerful as a grateful heart.

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