1. Conduct 'phase two' of training Sudanese church leaders which we began in March 2009. This trip's training will include continuing a series of 'basic theology' lessons we began last time, training in the use of ESV Study Bibles which we are bringing for the pastors and a focus on their own modeling of sanctification as shepherds of God's flock.
2. Conduct 'phase one' of CHE (community health evangelism), presenting a vision and initial training seminar to village leaders in anticipation of their desire to be trained on an on-going basis toward their own implementation of community health initiatives led by the local church as a bridge toward building gospel-oriented relationships.
3. Working with a team of three men from a church in California as they explore their desire to potentially partner with us in our mission to the church in Labone, Sudan. They will be assessing whether or not they will commit to join us in a long-term missions partnership to the Sudanese church.
4. Encourage our missionary friends, David and Helen McCormack, and get a sense of their ministry context in Kandern, Germany where they teach missionary children at Black Forest Academy. We are thankful for the opportunity we will have to spend a few days with them on our return trip from Sudan.
Please be in prayer for God to work in and through us every step of the way. May the growing Kingdom of Christ be built up and furthered through this trip to the glory of God.
P.S. As you can imagine, I won't be posting on the blog while I'm away.
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