Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Strength of the Gospel

"You don't know the worth of your Christian faith until you have compared it with others and subjected it to life....I've put my faith out before the non-Christian world and have said: 'There it is...if you can break it, break it. For I cannot live in a paradise if it turns out to be a fool's paradise.'...So the keenest minds and the most philosophical of the world have smitten upon my faith, night and day for over half a century.

Result? Broken? There are scars on my faith but underneath those scars there are no doubts. The song I sing is a life song. Not the temporary exuberance of youth that often fades when middle age and old age set in with their disillusionments and cynicisms. No, I'm eighty-three and more excited today about being a Christian than I was at eighteen when I put my feet upon the Way....Now by seasoned, tested, corroborated experience I know that this is not a way, but the Way."

- E. Stanley Jones, Christ at the Round Table, p. 108

1 comment:

dvans said...

Inspiring...trinity church Blog is a blessing for sure!